College of Education and Human Development

School of Kinesiology

Physical activity and health MEd

The physical activity and health master of education (MEd) provides advanced study in the broad areas of the promotion and implementation of physical activity and the resulting effect it has on health.

Physical inactivity has been recognized as a major public health problem in the U.S. and students with an MEd in physical activity and health will play an integral role in combating this public health crisis. This degree is perfect for those seeking careers in physical activity implementation and promotion, healthy lifestyle promotion, and the prevention and control of chronic diseases at the population levels.

Career exploration

The physical activity and health MEd curriculum prepares students to pursue the following careers, including but not limited to:

  • Teacher and researcher in higher education
  • Program specialist for workplace wellness, health promotion, weight management programs
  • Program coordinator, interventionist for non-profit organizations (e.g., YMCA)
  • Specialist for sales and development of medical equipment
  • Government official (e.g., Minnesota Department of Health)

Quote from Ian West

This MEd is a unique program. I loved the flexibility, and the fact that there’s no set template–you can take courses in other departments and in other colleges across the University.

How to apply

    Before you apply

    Review the MS/MA vs MEd information. This comparison page will help you to decide which program is the best fit for your educational and professional goals.


    Admissions deadlines and criteria

    The School reviews applications on an ongoing basis. Application deadlines for specific academic terms are the following dates.

    • November 1 - Spring semester admission
    • March 1 - Summer session admission
    • July 1 (preferred May 1) - Fall semester admission

    Admission requirements include the following criteria

    For the physical activity and health program competitive students will have the following:

    • A bachelor's degree, preferably in kinesiology, exercise science, public health, biology, or psychology
    • A preferred 3.0 or higher GPA
    • Strong statement indicating purpose for MEd in physical activity and health and how the applicant's experience, education, and goals fit with the program.

    For the sport and exercise science program competitive students will have the following:

    • A bachelor's degree in kinesiology or exercise science, or comparable experience
    • A preferred 2.5 or higher GPA
    • Strong statement indicating purpose for MEd in sport and exercise science program and how the applicant's experience, education, and goals fit with the program.

    For the sport management program competitive students will have the following:

    • A bachelor's degree
    • A preferred 2.5 or higher GPA
    • Strong statement indicating purpose for MEd in sport management and how the applicant's experience, education and goals fit with the program.

    Application process

    All application materials should be submitted directly to the online application system. The School cannot review applications until all of the required materials listed below are submitted successfully.

    1. Application
      1. Apply online
      2. Required fields: Personal information, application information, educational background, languages, awards & activities, employment/residence information, financial support
    2. Application fee
      1. Pay electronically via credit card when submitting a finalized application
      2. $75 for US applicants
      3. $95 for international applicants
    3. Unofficial transcripts
      1. Submit unofficial transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended or are currently attending, including the University of Minnesota.
      2. Transcripts should be uploaded directly to the online application system before submitting the application.
      3. Once admitted, students must submit official transcripts or academic records before enrolling at the U of M to the Office of Graduate Admissions.
      4. Instructions for important information about uploading transcripts and credentials.
    4. Description of research or work experience
      1. Upload a personal statement describing your career goals and rationale for interest in the MEd program and how this program will help with your future goals (limit of two pages).
    5. Resume or CV
      1. Upload in the online application system.

    A decision for admission notice will be emailed to applicants once:

    1. The submitted application is carefully reviewed by the department’s admission committee
    2. Transcripts and credentials are authenticated by Graduate School officials

    Applicants are typically notified of admission decisions 2-4 weeks after their complete application has been submitted.

    Nonnative english speakers and/or international students

    The TOEFL, MELAB, or IELTS is generally required of all applicants whose first language is not english, regardless of U.S. Citizenship status.

    Exceptions may be granted for applicants who will have completed 16 semester or 24 quarter credits within the past 24 months in residence as a full-time student at an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States before entering the University of Minnesota.

    Table outlining needed English proficiency scores.

    Transfer credits

    Please review the University policy on applying graduate credits to degree requirements. Transfer courses must be completed at the graduate level and approved by the academic advisor. Academic advisors can assist with individual needs and questions.

    Please contact the MEd Advisor if you have any questions regarding the online application.


    We’re here to help. Get in touch with our Graduate Studies Office using this information form or reach out to one of our staff.

    Juergen Konczak Juergen Konczak

    • Professor, Biomechanics and Neuromotor Control; Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
    • 612-624-4370

    Director, Human Sensorimotor Control Laboratory Director, Center for Clinical Movement Science Faculty, Center for Cognitive Sciences Faculty, Graduate Program in Neuroscience Adjunct Professor of Neurology Director, Human Sensorimotor Control…

    Juergen Konczak
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    Christopher Lundstrom Christopher Lundstrom

    • Senior Lecturer, Sport and Exercise Science; Director, Sport and Exercise Science MEd & Physical Activity and Health Promotion MEd

    My research interests center on endurance exercise training and performance. Specifically, I am interested in running economy, aerobic capacity, metabolic substrate utilization, and heart rate variability.

    Christopher Lundstrom
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