Emeriti Faculty
Li Li Ji Li Li Ji
- Professor Emerita, Exercise Physiology
- 612-624-9809
- llji@umn.edu
Effect of exercise, nutrition, and aging on skeletal muscle health Cellular and molecular mechanisms of adaptation of muscle and heart to acute and chronic exercise Role of special transcription factors and signaling pathways in muscle atrophy Pro…

Mary Jo Kane Mary Jo Kane
- Professor Emerita, Sport Sociology, Director Emerita, Tucker Center
- 612-625-5300
- maryjo@umn.edu
Graduate education faculty Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport Mary Jo Kane , Ph.D.

Leo McAvoy Leo McAvoy
- Professor Emeritus, Recreation, Park, & Leisure Studies
- 612.625-5300

Robert C. Serfass Robert C. Serfass
- Professor Emeritus, Exercise Physiology
- 612.625-5300

Tom Stoffregen Tom Stoffregen
- Professor Emeritus, Kinesiology
- 612-626-1056
- tas@umn.edu
Director, Affordance Perception-Action Laboratory Member, Center for Cognitive Sciences Graduate faculty, Department of Psychology Graduate faculty, Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering Graduate faculty, Human Factors/Ergonomics Graduate…

Carla E.S. Tabourne Carla E.S. Tabourne
- Associate Professor Emerita, Therapeutic Recreation
- 612.625-5300

Michael Wade Michael Wade
- Professor Emeritus, Motor Learning/Motor Development
- 612-625-5300
- mwade@umn.edu
Graduate education faculty Faculty, Cognitive Science Center Current assignment Professor, School of Kinesiology, University of Minnesota, 1986-present.

Maureen R. Weiss Maureen R. Weiss
- Professor Emerita, Psychology of Physical Activity
- mrweiss@umn.edu