College of Education and Human Development

School of Kinesiology

Emphasis: Sport sociology

The sport sociology emphasis area focuses on the scientific study of social behavior interpersonally, in groups, and in organizations. This emphasis area focuses on the meanings, behaviors, norms, rules, patterns, ideologies, and social processes that occur in and through the sporting domain. Sport sociology explores the hierarchical organizational and management systems and power structures within sport.

Current research projects include:

  • Media representations of women athletes
  • Reducing barriers to physical activity for girls and women
  • Occupational barriers for women in sport leadership

About our students

Quote from Courtney Boucher

The Tucker Center prides itself in doing research that counts. We don’t do research for the sake of doing research—we always have the end in mind. Our goal is always to better the lives of girls and women through sport and physical activity. We often get to see and hear about the real-life impact we are making, and this continually motivates me and the rest of the team in our research endeavors.

Courtney Boucher Kinesiology PhD Boucher is studying kinesiology with an emphasis in sport sociology

How to apply

Before you apply

Before you apply review the MS/MA vs MEd information. All master's programs are designed to educate students in their chosen degree path and prepare them for professional or academic work. Read through the MS/MA versus MEd comparison page to decide which program is the best fit for you.

It is highly recommended that applicants contact the professor they are interested in working with before applying online. It helps facilitate the application process and familiarizes the professor with applicants and their interests.


We’re here to help. Get in touch with our Graduate Studies Office.

Juergen Konczak Juergen Konczak

  • Professor, Biomechanics and Neuromotor Control; Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
  • 612-624-4370

Director, Human Sensorimotor Control Laboratory Director, Center for Clinical Movement Science Faculty, Center for Cognitive Sciences Faculty, Graduate Program in Neuroscience Adjunct Professor of Neurology Director, Human Sensorimotor Control…

Juergen Konczak
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