Katie Schuver
Lecturer, Physical Activity & Health Promotion
School of Kinesiology
Cooke Hall
1900 University Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0376 - schuv007@umn.edu

Areas of interest
- Health promotion
- Physical activity, exercise and mental health
- Mindfulness-based strategies for health promotion
- Physical activity interventions for mental health promotion and co-occurring disorders
- PhD, Kinesiology, University of Minnesota, 2014
- Graduate Minor, Prevention Science, 2014
- Graduate Minor, Integrative Therapies & Healing, 2014
- Dissertation: “Mindfulness-based Yoga intervention for women with elevated levels of depressive symptoms.”
- MA, Integrated Behavioral Health, University of Minnesota, 2021
- Graduate Certificate in Addictions Studies, 2021
- MA, Sports & Athletic Administration, Gonzaga University, 2004
- BA, Psychology, Business Administration, Mount Mercy University, 2002
Katie Schuver, PhD, LADC, is a lecturer in physical activity and health promotion in the School of Kinesiology and lead graduate faculty for the Yoga Focus Area at the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing. Schuver’s research interests include physical activity and mental health promotion and served as research associate for the Exercise and Mental Health Lab (EMHL) for 10 years.
Schuver is a licensed mental health provider (LADC) and yoga therapist (C-IAYT) and specializes in the assessment and support of individuals with complex mental and emotional health and substance use disorders.
Awards and honors
- 2016, The Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, Research Travel Grant.
- 2016, Swami Kuvalyananda Research Scholarship Award, International Association of Yoga Therapists.
- 2016, The Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, Research Travel Grant.
- 2015, Swami Kuvalyananda Research Scholarship Award, International Association of Yoga Therapists.
- 2015, The Center for Spirituality & Healing, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, Research Travel Grant.
- KIN 3982: Research Methods in Kinesiology, Physical Activity, Health Promotion and Sport
- KIN 3001: Lifetime Health & Wellness
- KIN 4214: Health Promotion
- KIN 5181: Understanding Kinesiology Research
- KIN 5123: Motivational Interventions in Physical Activity
- CSPH 5322: Foundations of Hatha Yoga: Alignment & Movement Principles
- CSPH 5323: Hatha Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle, & Ethics
- CSPH 5324: Hatha Yoga Teaching Principles & Methodology
- CSPH 5317: Yoga: Ethics, Spirituality & Healing
- CSPH 5318: Tibetan Medicine, Ayurveda & Yoga in India
- CSPH 5319: Yoga & Ayurveda in India
- Lewis, B. A., Schuver, K., & Dunsiger, S. (2023). Evaluating the feasibility and efficacy of a home-based combined high intensity interval and moderate intensity training program for increasing physical activity among low-active adults: A randomized pilot trial. Plos One, 18(2), e0281985.
- Lewis, B. A., Schuver, K., Dunsiger, S., Samson, L., Frayeh, A. L., Terrell, C. A., ... & Avery, M. D. (2021). Randomized trial examining the effect of exercise and wellness interventions on preventing postpartum depression and perceived stress. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, 1-11.
- Lewis, B., Dunsiger, S., & Schuver, K. (2021). The Relationship Between Exercise Attitudes And Exercise Behavior Among Postpartum Women: 762. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 53(8S), 255.
- Lewis, B.A. & Schuver, K. (2019). Primary Research Dimensions of Exercise Psychology. In the APA Handbook of Sport & Exercise Psychology.
- Lewis, B.A., Schuver, K., Dunsiger, S., Samson, L., Frayeh, A.L., Terrell, C.A., … & Avery, M.D. (2018). Rationale, design, and baseline data for the Healthy Mom II Trial: A randomized trail examining the efficacy of exercise and wellness interventions for the prevention of postpartum depression. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 70, 15-23.
- Lewis, B. A., Gjerdingen, D., Schuver, K., Avery, M., & Marcus, B. H. (2018). The effect of sleep pattern changes on postpartum depressive symptoms. BMC Women's Health, 18(1), 1-7.
- Lewis, B. A., Billing, L., Schuver, K., Gjerdingen, D., Avery, M., & Marcus, B. H. (2017). The relationship between employment status and depression symptomatology among women at risk for postpartum depression. Women's Health, 13(1), 3-9.
- Schuver, K. & Lewis, B.A. (2017). Theories of Behavior Change. In the American College of Sports Medicine’s Resources for the Health Fitness Specialist, 2nd Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
- Bonikowske, A.R., Schuver, K.J., & Lewis, B.A. (2017). Yoga for management of type 2 diabetes: A review for clinicians. Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 6, 50-58.
- *Schuver, K.J. & Lewis, B.A. (2016). Mindfulness-based yoga intervention for women with depression. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 26, 85-91.
- *Schuver, K, Lewis, B. (2013). Theories of Behavior Change. In Liguori, G., Dwyer, G., Fitts, T., & Lewis, B (Eds.), American College of Sports Medicine’s Resources for the Health Fitness Specialist (pp. 233-248). New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- *Lewis, B. A., Gjerdingen, D. K., Avery, M. D., Sirard, J. R., Guo, H., Schuver, K., & B.H. Marcus. (2014). A randomized trial examining a physical activity intervention for the prevention of postpartum depression: The healthy mom trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 7(1), 42-49.
- *Schuver, K. J. (2014). Mindfulness-Based Yoga Intervention for Women with Elevated Levels of Depressive Symptoms (Doctoral dissertation, University of Minnesota).
- *Lewis, B.A., Schuver, K., Gjerdingen, D., Avery, M., Sirard, J., & Marcus, B.H. (2015). The relationship between prenatal antidepressant use and the decision to breastfeed among women enrolled in a randomized exercise intervention trial. Journal of Human Lactation, 1-6.
- *Schuver, K., Cameron, M., & Lewis, B.A. Effect of Yoga on Quality of Life, Mood, and Mindfulness in Women with Depression. Presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of International Association of Yoga Therapists’ Symposium on Yoga Research, Stockbridge, MA, September 2016.
- *Schuver, K., Cameron, M., & Lewis, B.A. Mindfulness-based Yoga Intervention for Women with Elevated Levels of Depressive Symptoms. Presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of International Association of Yoga Therapists’ Symposium on Yoga Research, Stockbridge, MA, September 2015.
- *Lewis, B.A., Sirard, J. Schuver, K. Gjerdingen, D., Avery, M., & Marcus, B.H. (2015). Validity of the 7-Day Physical Activity Recall Interview among Postpartum Women. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.
- *Lewis, B.A., Gjerdingen, D., Avery, M., Sirard, J. Schuver, K. & Marcus, B.H. (2014). The Influence of Antidepressant Use on the Decision to Breastfeed among Women Enrolled in a Randomized Intervention Trial. Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, April, 2014.
- *Lewis, B, Avery, M, Gjerdingen, D, Sirard, J, Schuver, K, Marcus B. (2010). Innovative Methods for Recruiting Pregnant and Postpartum Women for Behavioral Intervention Trials. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Washington, D.C. April, 2011.
Invited presentations and workshops
- Mental Wellbeing: Move to Improve. Keynote Speaker. Presented at Fairview Wellbeing Champion Network Appreciation Event, Minneapolis, MN. (2024, April).
- Mental Wellbeing: Move to Improve. Keynote Speaker. Presented at Fairview Wellbeing Champion Network Appreciation Event, Minneapolis, MN. (2022, November).
- Physical Activity, Mental Health, & Wellbeing Webinar Series. Created for SNAP-Ed Health & Nutrition Programs. (2020, July).
- The Practice of Mindfulness: Effective Self-Care for Coaching Professionals. Presented at 2016 Women Coaches Symposium, Minneapolis, MN. (2016, April).
- Mindfulness Techniques for Self-Care for Medical Professionals. Presented at Well Minds Wellness Lecture Series for Well-Being Committee and student National Medical Association. (2016, February).
- Mindfulness Practices for Diabetes Management: Webinar Series. North Dakota Department of Health: Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. (2016, January).
- Designing Effective Yoga Interventions. Presented at Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) in Dharamsala, India. (2014, May).
- Mindfulness-based Yoga for Major Depressive Disorder. Presented at Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) in Dharamsala, India. (2013, May).
- The Effect of Yoga on Positive Affect & Well-Being for Pregnancy. Presented at Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) in Dharamsala, India (2011, May).
- A Therapeutic Approach to the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: Exercise as Medicine. Presented at Anoka-Ramsey Community College as part of a series of lecture on alternative approaches to the promotion of mental health sponsored by Anoka-Ramsey Community College Psychology Club (2010, December).
- A Therapeutic Approach to the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders: Exercise as Medicine. Presented at Anoka-Ramsey Community College as part of a series of lectures on alternative approaches to the promotion of mental health sponsored by Anoka-Ramsey Community College Psychology Club (2010, December).