College of Education and Human Development

School of Kinesiology

Taylor Heise: Fired up on the ice

Heise is a kinesiology BS alumna and current MEd student in the School of Kinesiology. She's also a Professional Women's Hockey League champion and 2024 PWHL Playoff MVP.

Taylor Heise played hockey for the University of Minnesota Women’s Hockey team. From there, she moved onto playing professionally in the PWHL, being named the 2024 Playoff MVP – adding to her already extensive list of accolades. While playing for the Gophers, Heise won the 2022 Patty Kazmaier Award. Alongside her athletic awards, she graduated from the School of Kinesiology in 2022 equipped with a degree in kinesiology. From there she has continued her education with a sport management MEd.

In 2023, Heise entered into the freshly formed Professional Women’s Hockey League (PWHL) and was drafted onto PWHL Minnesota. She was ecstatic, “I was super super excited since I knew that this was where I always wanted to play!” In this inaugural season, Heise and PWHL Minnesota took home the Walter Cup with a final win against PWHL Boston. In coming seasons she hopes to see the league grow and expand. 

“Going into the final game versus Boston I think I was more than ready to go out and give my best effort and I knew that my team was too. After having a dramatic end to game four, we all knew that we wanted to finish the job and win the Walter Cup! With all of us being so competitive and knowing what was at stake, I think we all came out and competed our hearts out. At the end of the day we won the game, which was amazing!”

On the ice, Heise says she is locked into the game, either thinking about the next play, what she can improve on, or simply letting the long hours of practice guide her instincts. With this mindset, Heise was named the 2024 Playoff MVP. She was excited and honored, but says that she was more excited about winning the championship. 

“Team success outweighs individual success for me so as much of a fun amazing time it was, I was so excited to celebrate with my teammates!” 

Beyond mindset on the ice, Heise, like many athletes, has some particular prep that she does for games. Serena Williams has her lucky socks, Wade Boggs ate chicken, and Michael Jordan wore his UNC shorts. For game day prep, Heise lays out her own process, “Some game day rituals that I have include having breakfast for dinner if I have a night game. I also like to get eight hours of sleep, at least, the night before a game. I usually have the choice if I want to skate in the morning before the game, but I usually don’t as I like to go on a long walk and listen to my music!”

For future plans, Heise intends to continue with her professional hockey career and specifically hopes to qualify for Team USA’s Olympic Women’s Hockey team. She also makes sure to keep up on her hobbies, baking and cooking, and hopes to improve in those as well. Despite the busy schedule of a professional athlete and keeping up with hobbies, Taylor still finds time to relax: “My favorite way to relax is either hanging by the pool in the sun or at a beach. I also really enjoy hanging out with my friends, usually outdoors! I also love a good romcom when I’m able to be home and just chill!”

Minnesota PWHL team celebrating their victory

Photo courtesy of Mary Schwalm, Associated Press

Minnesota PWHL team celebrating their victory