Landy Lu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Assistant Professor, Sport Management

Areas of interest
Organizational theory, institutional and organizational change, event leverage, interorganizational relationships
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Ph.D., Sport management
Peking University, Beijing, China
M.Ed., Sociology of sport
My research in general focuses on organizational management at the intersections of sport, health/wellness, and events. In particular, my research focuses on understanding (1) institutional and organizational change and innovation (line#1), and (2) organizational mechanisms for event leverage initiatives (line#2). I study these organizational dynamics in a variety of contexts, such as player concussions, corporate social responsibility, sport events, and eSports. I utilize multiple research methods including quantitative (e.g., event history analysis, structural equation modeling), qualitative (e.g., case studies, field methods, archival text analysis), and social network approaches.
My first research line examines institutional and organizational change. Specifically, my research focuses on investigating how environmental conditions interact with organizational characteristics to influence organizational responses to institutional change and the role of individual and/or collective actors in the change process. One important institutional change I have explored is around player concussions. Several of our work sheds light on institutional evolution around concussion in sports, organizational shifting responses to concussions over time, and institutional entrepreneurial action in the change process.
My second research line focuses on investigating organizational mechanisms for leveraging sport events of different scales for sustainable community benefits. Several of our projects examine the formation, collaborative processes and dynamics, alongside the challenges of event-leveraging cross-sector partnerships. I'm also interested in incorporating network approaches to examine the network governance of these partnerships. This line of work contributes to understanding how various stakeholder groups can better leverage sport events to benefit the local community.
McSweeney, M., Lu, L., & Kikulis, L. (2023). ‘When we meet, we play football, it reminds me of home': emotions, institutional work, and sport-for-development and peace. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-26. Advanced online publication.
Sutherland, T., Lu, L. D., & Misener, L. (2023). An exploration of Canadian multisport service organizations’ response to healthy living mandate: integrating institutional and archetype theories. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 1-18. Advanced online publication.
Chen, G., Lu, L. D., & Filo, K. (2023). Exploring social entrepreneurial activities at a community sport event in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic. Event Management. Advanced online publication.
Lu, L. D., Heinze, K., & Gong, H. (2023). Relational pluralism, organizational status, and the adoption of collegiate varsity esports programs in the US. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-23. Advanced online publication.
Lu, L. D. & Misener, L. (2022). Managing and sustaining cross-sector leveraging partnership in the post-event era: A case study of a Provincial Parasport Collective. European Sport Management Quarterly, 23(5), 1387–1408.
Wasser, K., Lu, L.D., & Misener, L. (2022) Examining long-term organizational forms surrounding leverage and legacy delivery of Canadian major-sport events. Event Management. 26(6), 1211-1233.
Lu, L. D. & Heinze, K. (2021). Examining institutional entrepreneurship in the passage of youth sport concussion legislation. Journal of Sport Management. 35(1), 1-16.
Misener, L., Lu, L. D., & Carlisi, R. (2020). Leveraging events to develop collaborative partnerships: Examining the formation and collaborative dynamics of the Ontario Parasport Legacy Group. Journal of Sport Management. 34(5), 447-461.
Lu, L. D. & Heinze, K. L. (2019). Sport policy institutionalization: Examining the adoption of concussion legislation across states. Journal of Sport Management, 33(6), 493-505.
Lu, L. D., Heinze, K. L., & Soderstrom, S. (2018). Playing multiple positions: Student-athlete identity salience and conflict. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 11(2), 214-241.
Lee, S. P., Heinze, K., & Lu, L. D. (2018). Warmth, competence, and willingness to donate: How perceptions of partner organizations affect support of corporate social responsibility initiatives in professional sport. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 42(1), 23-48.
Heinze, K., & Lu, D. (2017). Shifting responses to institutional change: The National Football League and player concussions. Journal of Sport Management, 31(5). 497-513.
2021 Winner, European Association for Sport Management (EASM) New Researcher Award
2019 American Kinesiology Association (AKA) Doctoral Scholar Award